
Friday 24 December 2010

10 Things women do better than men

1. Ittorn to the most beautiful women. According to a recent study revealed thatMost beautiful women deepens with age; In the meantime,Ignore the man in his appearance either to increase the weight or falling hairWithout trying to improve or slow down this process. The other hand, afterFollow-up to more than 2,000 people, found that 16 percent of womenAljmabat Icbhonhen give birth to babies, and that 36 percent of womenGive birth to beautiful girls aged enjoy the beauty. This means continuity ofDevelopment to the most beautiful.2. Women are more escape from car accidents. In accordance withTo a study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University, 77 percent of theMen die in car accidents than women. Perhaps the reasonLatest to thank your wife insists on when to put a seat belt, and keep track ofRules of speed, and away from your mobile phone while driving.3. Women are better in getting rid of stress. According to a surveyMind conducted on a sample of 2,000 people found that women are more the ability ofProblem-solving talk about them compared to men. 53 percentWomen talk about their problems with friends, thus reducing feelings ofTension and stress, while speaking only 29 percent ofMen about their problems.4. Women less vulnerable to economic recession. According to the Office of StatisticsWork, 80 percent of people who have lost their jobs sinceDecember 2007 were men. May be the reason that most of theSectors affected by the crisis, most of them were from men, such asManufacturing and finance. While still not many women at the topTheir work.5. Women are more follow-up to the march of the Academy. We know thatFemales in pursuing careers Advisory Council more than males,But according to the statistics of the Ministry of Education show that the recent AmericanThe proportion of men who complete their university studies in decline compared toWith women. As the men were taking far longer in educationUniversity of their peers.
6. Women are more prone to health foods. According to a survey of more than 14,000 people, conducted byFood for health. According to a survey of more than 14,000 people, conducted by the University of Minnesota, shows that women are choosing more healthy foods, compared with men.While men rely more on unhealthy foods such as pizza and frozen red meat, women prefer eating fruits and vegetables and quotas at least in general. (This may not be applicable to sweets!)
7. Women have stronger immune system. No wonder that men act like children when they get cold - Women enjoy stronger immune system than men! If there are small battles in their bodies, women overnight with a secret weapon: estrogen. According to a study conducted at McGill University found that estrogen gives women the power to repel injuries. Because estrogen is facing a particular enzyme often hinders the body's defenses in the first defense against bacteria and viruses.8. Women live longer than men. Among the world's population who are over percent, 85 percent of them women, according to a study conducted by the New England percentage. In general, women live 5 to 10 years longer than men.9. Female heads work better, especially in this bad economy.Although this is Jaddali to some extent, but that a large number of experts believe that the best women in the centers of Legislators, first because they are good listeners, and offering advice and solutions to the problems and of course they Iqmn multiple tasks more than their male counterparts.10. Women are the best investment for their money. According to a study included a sample file of 100,000 investment shows that the investments of women outperformed men on investments, 18 percent to 11 percent. This may be why women are not keen to engage in risks as large as men, as they take far longer to think about the long-term investment choices.