
Sunday 26 December 2010

Experts: "Yahoo" touch turns everything into scrap metal

CNN - New York: Analysts called the "Yahoo" software as a "graveyard for talent" as it is to the stalled trade has failed over the past years in all its operations to acquire as many of the companies that bought it at the top of elegance markets suffered a subsequent failure of a large trade.
Analysts said the company is based in California-based like King Midas in Greek mythology, which he converts all the touches into gold, but perversely, as it turned gold into scrap metal, as it did with nearly seventieth company acquired over 15 years .
He quoted analysts on the health of their opinion by saying that there is a decision of the Department of "Yahoo" to stop a range of services, including site "Delicious" which was in one day means the first across the world to exchange web addresses and domains and stored in the lists of addresses Favorites can be accessed at a later time .
They said that among the services that will be closed also the site of "UpComing" who finished first in the world at some point, at the level of display detailed tables of all the upcoming events, events and celebrations for each city around the world.
A spokesman for the "Yahoo" told CNN that the company intends to terminate such services; because they want to focus on other fields, including mobile phone technology and communications services.
The response of the spokesman was not enough to explain the reasons for the arrival of a lot of sites under the management of "Yahoo" to the bottom, without mentioning the impact on the budget for "Yahoo" paid huge sums peer acquisitions this.
For example, the company in 2000 bought the site "Geocities", which was at that time one of the most powerful websites as it enjoys a strong international focus; for providing a unique service allows every person to create a special page on the network, after buying a "Yahoo" for the site as opposed to three billion dollars, said his old to buy it was profitable for him, but the site did not move one step since then, but said that he had been strangled since the first day, he said, adding that "Yahoo" never knew the value and importance of the site, so that closed in 2009 and completed his services.
Another example of the actions of "Yahoo"-miss was the acquisition of site "Broadcast", which was dedicated to the transfer of live music where he achieved remarkable successes have prompted investors to scramble to buy shares through the IPO, before the "Yahoo" buy compared to 5.7 billion dollars, and instead that the evolution of the company's site and techniques, divided into parts allegedly to focus on specialization, and the result was the end of the experience of "Broadcast" failure, which is the same as a result of investment in the site "Musicmatch" to download music, bought the "Yahoo" for $ 160 million, but it collapsed after the emergence of a wave of "iTunes" from the "Apple".
Also fumbled "Yahoo" in its efforts to compete with "Google" and "Microsoft" in the software, so she purchased the company "Zimbra" for $ 350 million, and had to sell it last January in favor of a low amount VMare.
As for the "Yahoo" had a similar experience with the site "Hotjobs" your search for jobs, which it acquired for $ 436 million, but failed in his administration to have to sell it at half the price last February in favor of the most prominent rival in the sector, "Ulster".