
Monday 27 December 2010

Tips for car maintenance in winter months

Most modern cars need maintenance to a few other than routine maintenance, but the winter season especially in the northern half of the globe can lead to surprises sad if neglected basic things.These are some few tips: ¬

According to annual reports to the auto unions that most cases of car crashes caused by car batteries depleted, as to keep the lights or heating systems run car seats can cause the battery to wear out quickly. Especially as the rear window heater can exhaust a large amount of battery power, and should be shut down as soon as the end of his work.
Should also always maintain to be a tank full of wind wash barrier, in addition to adding anti-freeze fluid to ensure its ability to resist freezing at temperatures down to at least below 25 degrees Celsius.
And you must change the tires to snow tires before the first batch of falling snow. And impose some countries framing the ice because the use of frames in the summer ice could increase significantly from the distance it takes for the car until it stops after pressing on the brakes.
Keep your car in the winter, because the difficult weather conditions, sand and salt increase of rust, especially in the wheels and exhaust system.
Lighting system and a market share of particular importance during periods of long dark night, in circumstances where there is little visibility. Must examine the driver of the car that the car periodically and make sure all the characteristics of lighting system.
It is advisable to keep a warm blanket in the car for use in case of necessity in the case of suspended driver of the car in a traffic jam on a highway, as well as to keep the spray bottle of anti-freeze in the pocket of the driver, for use in the event that proved difficult process of opening the doors of the car.
The driver of the car should accelerate immediately in the replacement parts that you need a car such as oil and air filters, tires and brakes that must be checked to see if they had worn or not.