
Saturday 15 January 2011

The SMS and e-mail .. cold war on the rule of the world of technology

If the main purpose of the use of technology is to cancel a time machine, the user in the coming days looking for the tool faster and easier, so looming looming Cold War, but this time not in the world of politics, but in the technology sector between SMS messaging services and e-mail, in order to control the largest number of users.In a new study by Gartner - the specialized studies and research in IT industry - predicted that by 2014 about $ 3 billion can a user of the adult population "of more than 18 years," an electronic processes through technology, especially mobile phones messages commodes. And that the prevalence of mobile communications will reach 90 per cent of the total world population, 6.5 billion commercial real touch mobile services each year before 2014 note much and the spread of SMS dramatically, after the mobile phone companies that have made SMS easier to use, especially among the networks. Among the companies driving this boom, Google Inc., which made every day in the new integrated offerings of text messages to mobile telephones, where the service works, "Google SMS" to all mobile network operators in the United States. Google users can Through this service, send a text message to a special number and instant access to vast online resource for companies and product information anywhere in the world. Gartner explains, that the messages are short and come to a "well established" in the commercial sector. Banks, for example, alerts are used for years to inform customers of new services and the amounts withdrawn from the accounts and others, through SMS. The operators then it is notified subscribers of updates and changes to the service through SMS also has allowed these messages for companies of any size and type of deal with customers without any intermediary communicative last until now, which means that the potential for SMS is not limitless. Examples of factors that motivate and flourishing trade of SMS as research shows the company is, marketing via mobile phones, has unveiled a study on the market by their site, "Statistics of mobile communications, SMS," in 2009 in an opinion poll covering 2000 joint for SMS, "said 67% of those surveyed said they were considering the purchase of goods and services such as CDs, books and tickets, movie tickets and travel (airline, rental car) and fast food through their mobile phones, the study confirmed that 61% of the proceeds of trade through mobile phone was the result of procurement repeated. As Gartner also revealed in another study that 20% of email users - particularly in companies - will make of the SMS as a means to do the first communication of the work by 2014. Predicted Gartner that the programs are specialized in dealing with e-mail provided by companies such as Microsoft and others will soon begin to integrate with social networks to try to continue e-mail services in the light of the retreat to use because of the superiority of short messages and speed; so the user can access to his account zip through the social network preferred him, the same as the direction of IM programs for smart phones, which is expected to become a general trend after less than two years; and in accordance with the vision of Gartner. The company considers, that in front of short messages and time for quite some to be able to remove e-mail, although the direction of more users to rely heavily on SMS in social contacts, and even in the areas of work, the rates are still slow and not encouraging; Although the conflict has begun, it seems a long struggle requires a lot of time to resolve. Will be able to offset the short message service e-mail service from the arena of technological? And become a mobile phone serviced by easy and fast "SMS" is the master of the world of technology. This is what will unfold next four years.